Darkness to the light

Performances: Theater am Rand  Zollbrücke 2011 and 2012
Physical Theater/ Music/ Acting
Direction: Dana Wolters
Music direction: Tobias Morgenstern
Duration 150 min

Night into the day, late to dawn. Nature indicates the sound. Experiencing a morning of silence, cautiousness and respect. Against all rapidity and loudness. Time to listen, time to watch, to be awake, to fall asleep, to engross. A surrealistic morning with mimes, musicians and actors. Show begins at 3.14 am

Amongst others: Thomas Rühmann, Ursula Karusseit, Tobias Morgenstern, Katja Tannert, Jansen Folkers, Lisan Lantin, Oliver Pollak, Dana Wolters, Lisa Pfoh, Wolfgang Torkler, Elena Janis