Walking with gHosts !

Last show. The audience leaves. Doors are shut.

Ghosts of the house take over.

Out of absurdities and the weired unfolds, what has been forgotten. And what we miss.

10 artists of the Berlin collect-Eve.

Whispering walls, glimpses of stories. A theatrical walking tour, diving into stories of another world.


Kathleen Rappolt/ storytelling, Stefanos Pavlakis/Audio- Installation, Andrea Hufnagel / acting, Pascal Myrahong/ Live Sitar and flute, Tito Loria/ installation, Lidia Cangiano/ puppetry,

Yuri Mizobuchi / opera singing, Katja Tannert/mime

idea and realization: Katja Tannert

coach: Juliane Torhorst

support: Brina Stinehelfer/ Delphi Weissensee